What is Alpha?

Alpha at Seton Parish is a weekly series that runs for ten weeks.  It consists of an Alpha video and discussion.  Each weekly session will deal with questions about life and the Christian faith. It is open to anyone regardless of current religious affiliation and will benefit you no matter where you are on your faith journey.

Date and Time

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should attend?

Everyone. Alpha shares the Gospel message and Good News of salvation. It is vital to have this message repeated to us in different ways throughout our lives. As Pope Francis said, “It is the principal proclamation, the one which we must hear again and again in different ways, the one which we must announce one way or another … at every level and moment.”

Do I need to be Catholic to attend?

No. Alpha is open to anyone regardless of religious affiliation.

Do I need to be a member of Seton to attend?

No. Alpha is open to anyone.

Is there a cost to attend?

There is no cost to attend.

What if I go for a week or two, and don’t want to continue?

If you do not want to continue after a week or two, we will not call or bother you if choose not to come back.

How long is an Alpha session?

Each session is two hours. We always start on time and end on time.

How long is the Alpha series?

It runs once a week for ten weeks plus a one morning weekend retreat.


Have Questions?

Interested in learning more about Alpha or wanting to help?  Please contact Liz Christy, our Director of Evangelization & Discipleship, for additional information.